Classmate to Honor Anne with Mountain Climb

The Smedinghoff family would like to share the news that Anne’s classmate Greg Krupa will dedicate his climb of Cotopaxi Volcano in Ecuador in honor of Anne. Greg is part of a group called ROMP (Range of Motion Project). This group is dedicated to the advancement of right for those with disabilities around the world. The climb is supported by the US Embassy in Ecuador and is in honor of the 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on July 26th. ROMP is in its 10th year of providing prosthetic and orthotic services to amputees and people living with disabilities the world over, especially in Latin America. ROMP was founded by another Fenwick alum and Greg’s brother, David Krupa, class of 98.

Greg explains why this cause is so important.

This event, Climbing for ROMP, is about mobility and equal healthcare access around the globe. The ADA is something we as Americans can be proud of. The ADA should be replicated world wide. Which is what the state department is currently undertaking. ROMP is fighting to ensure that everyone has access to necessary care, which changes lives in a profound and measurable way.’
See the video below and check out the group’s website at or their Facebook Page for more information and ways you can support this great cause and Greg in his climb.

One Reply to “Classmate to Honor Anne with Mountain Climb”

  1. Les Carroll

    I met Anne briefly in Afghanistan just weeks before her death. I worked closely with some of her colleagues in the Embassy. I didn’t know Anne well — unfortunately — but she was killed on my birthday in 2013, so I’ve always felt that connection. Since my retirement in 2013, I’ve produced two documentaries that honor military members who gave everything in Afghanistan. A character in my upcoming novel/memoir makes a brief statement about the “others” who go to Afghanistan willing to put their lives on the line to make a difference there. I hope you know that is a direct tribute to Anne and those like her who gave their lives to make Afghanistan (and our broken world) better.

    Les Carroll
    Lt. Col. (ret.) USAF
    HQ ISAF Press Officer
    November 2012-April 2013

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